Each day we are faced with decisions. Many are simple and are made without much consideration. Those decisions that mark a critical life/work transition often require us to call upon those parts of ourselves that are blocked. Unwittingly, we resist the change, and rationalize the reasons driving the lack of decision making. Identifying the origin of those blocks and the risks associated with them is the first step in determining the course of action that will help restore flow.
Working one-on-one with individuals from all walks of life is one of our greatest joys. Zen4Life Coaching & Consulting will collaborate with you on personal and professional matters to chart a course for constructive change in your life.
If you feel stuck or find yourself in an ongoing state of "I don't know", there's a lot we can do to be of service.
Transitions can be difficult. Facing your true prevailing emotions and applying the tools necessary to put you in the driver's seat to navigate the situation is where we excel.
There is nothing in life more important than living in integrity with your true self. Getting you to a place where the question "Who are you?" is met with authenticity and enthusiasm is what we enjoy.
Creativity and innovative problem-solving skills are best served when the group is in integrity - emotionally and intellectually.
Trust and perceived gaps in communication are the nemesis of leadership teams. Left unaddressed, the dysfunction spreads throughout the organization.
Working with groups of up to 12 people at a time, Zen4Life Coaching & Consulting works to resolve the root cause issues and construct a team that will provide the most effective vehicle in service of the situation.
Whether the blocks are a function of emotional skill gaps of a key contributor or thinking style preferences that create a decision-making imbalance, Zen4Life Coaching & Consulting provides hands-on coaching to get the most out of the group's talent.